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Le blog de la classe de PS-MS bilingue n°1
24 mars 2013

Seed Growing theme

Here's a couple of things to share , in closing of seed-growing theme which we've been exploring for the past week. We really enjoyed this simple and fun episode of Peppa Pig, which the children could relate their new words and knowledge about seed growing....
20 mars 2013

The tiny seed (Eric Carle)

The tiny seed (Eric Carle)
Here's a simpler video version with scripts that you can read with your child :
18 mars 2013

"Little Cloud" & "Papa, please get the moon for me"

"Little Cloud" & "Papa, please get the moon for me"
Our first Eric Carle Story was "Little Cloud". The children could relate that directly with the persistent cloudy weather we've had some weeks ago. We explored the science behind clouds, got imaginative creating cloud crafts, and moved like clouds do...
18 mars 2013

Topics / Thèmes

This term, we are focusing on different ERIC CARLE stories, particular those with themes on Spring and weather. We will also celebrate Easter, with different art projects and egg hunt. Durant cette période, nous allons travailler autour de différents...
Le blog de la classe de PS-MS bilingue n°1
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